Lyudmila Sukhorukova1*, Vladimir Mareev2, Nikolay Fokin3, Tatyana Shestakova4, Aleksandra Shestakova5

1Prof. Dr., Southern Federal University, Russia,

2Prof. Dr., Southern Federal University, Russia,

3Prof., Southern Federal University, Russia,

4Prof., Southern Federal University, Russia,

5Southern Federal University, Russia,

*Corresponding author


State borders and transboundary space are important terms for open and international cooperation in science and education. The authors of the article consider the problems and prospects of educational border territory of Russia. This involves the analysis, creation, and implementation of federal university’s scientific and educational potential, to organize professional training of educational leaders. The main idea of the article is that the development of scientific and educational cooperation of border territories contributes to the innovative development of a single research and educational space with the systems of science and education of neighbouring countries. The aim of this study is to substantiate the integrating function of Southern Federal University in the system of cross-border and transboundary education of educational leaders based on scientific and educational potential. To achieve this, on the basis of domestic and international studies, the most promising areas of scientific research were identified and insufficiently studied problems of cross-border cooperation in education were systematized in relevant content - training leaders in the field of education. The working hypothesis is the assumption that the Southern Federal University has innovative scientific and educational potential to expand cooperation in the cross-border area of Southern Russia. The methodological basis and methods of research were the ideas of system-activity and competence-based approaches, the theory of internationalization and cross-border development of higher education. The source of empirical data was Russian and foreign studies on the training of educational leaders, leadership in education, authors' experience in educational Foresight, long-term experience in designing and implementing educational programs for master's degree and professional development of educational leaders. Methods of comparative and system analysis, deduction, induction, generalization and theoretical modelling were used. In the process of work methods of analysis and generalization of scientific publications and policy documents related to the discussed problems were applied. The essence of the phenomenon of "federal university in the geostrategic borderland" was defined. The development of effective dialogue in the field of education and science in the border geostrategic territory is one of the most important interdisciplinary areas in the activities of the Southern Federal University. It is shown that the development of transboundary, border and interregional relations actualizes the development of a sustainable system of continuous education for leaders of education in the border territory of Russia. The necessity of interdisciplinary scientific and educational projects, educational programs of master's training, professional retraining and advanced training in education leaders' training is emphasized. The study concludes with the discussion and formulation of prospective research on the issues of cooperation in the field of educational leaders` professional training. The results of the study can become part of scientifically substantiated views on the development of cross-border cooperation in pedagogical science and continuing teacher education.

Keywords: federal university, South of Russia, border territory, potential, educational leaders.



CITATION:Abstracts & Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2022- 9th International Conference on Education and Education of Social Sciences, 13-14 June 2022

ISBN: 978-605-06286-6-1